Rolando Canonoy
3 min readMay 3, 2020


In a time of crisis due to the COVID-19 attack, we are here for those who need your support. We are working day and night to provide require food in the hands of those people who are still facing hunger issues. For further procedure, we need your help to support these families and children.
Rolando’s fundraiser for No Kid Hungry works for the benefits of those hungry kids that have no access to eat healthy foods in area where they live. The fundraising enables you to help every child who lives in the United States.
This fundraising enables to enhance the aims of education in different areas of the United States of America. We empower the kids to grow as productive residents in their communities because of educational facilities and advancement.
Rolando’s fundraiser for No Kid Hungry offer food to families and children who suffer from COVID-19 in United State. The fundraising also offers training on the significance of a nutritious and healthy diet.
The fundraising works closely with the local organization of the US and ensures to take some steps to reduce poverty. It will ensure to search the families that are living in poverty and need daily-routine supplies. Your funds are used to donate these supplies among these families.
Disaster Response
As we know that COVID-19 which is one of the greatest disasters of this century strikes all over the world. After this disaster, there is a need for hygienic drinking water and stable foods in major areas of the world. We are 100% committed to delivering hygienic items, drinking water, and healthy foods to different affected communities of the United State of America.
Rolando’s fundraiser for No Kid Hungry will teach the adult different skills in both financial and business management. These skills will provide the best chances to earn and buy healthy foods for their kids and families.
Water and health
Rolando’s fundraiser for No Kid Hungry offers better access to drinkable and clean water. We commit to offers better access to proper hygiene and sanitation.
This fundraising helps to provide hope and commitment to those hungry children that are living in the United State. Our teams will work for the benefits of these children and offers them to see their bright future. We will work in these communities to stop poverty that arises after the attack of COVID-19. We will draft the hunger of kids by meeting both short and long term goals. For this purpose, we need your donation. Struggling families and children need your help. Each dollar donated will offer better necessities of life to these families and kids.
Want to join me in supporting a good cause? I’m raising money for No Kid Hungry and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate a lot or a little. Anything helps. Thank you for your support. I’ve included information about No Kid Hungry below.
No Kid Hungry works to ensure that every child in the United States has access to healthy food where they live, where they learn and where they play. Just $10 can help connect a kid in need with 100 meals.
Thank you so much for reading about Rolando Canonoy’s fundraiser! We’ll use your money to make sure kids in America don’t go hungry.
To find out more, connect with No Kid Hungry through Messenger 👉 share your love and receive pray from needy people :)